This series on “Laparoscopic Surgery for Ovarian Cancer” was edited by Vito Andrea Capozzi, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Parma, Italy; and Stefano Cianci, Department of Woman, Child and General and Specialised Surgery,University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli', Naples, Italy.
It is with great pleasure that we present the current special issue ‘Laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cancer: limits and potentials’. The special issue through surgical technique articles shows many aspects of ovarian cancer treatment. Different laparoscopic approaches have been described including classic laparoscopy, mini-laparoscopy, and robotic surgery. Moreover, some major minimally invasive surgery complications have been shown, such as vascular complication during staging lymphadenectomy for early-stage ovarian cancer patient. Finally, the role of laparoscopic surgery in isolated recurrence treatment of ovarian cancer has also been addressed.
Laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cancer: limits and potentials
Vascular complication during staging lymphadenectomy in early-stage ovarian cancer
Senhance Robotic Platform for ovarian bordeline tumor treatment: minimally invasive robotc approach for conservative adnexal surgery
Laparoscopic extraperitoneal salpingo-oophorectomy in women with suspicious ovarian mass, a way to reduce the risk of spillage
Percutaneous approach in early stage ovarian cancer staging
Laparoscopic splenectomy for first single-site relapse of ovarian cancer
The series “Laparoscopic Surgery for Ovarian Cancer” was commissioned by the editorial office, Gynecology and Pelvic Medicine without any sponsorship or funding. Vito Andrea Capozzi and Stefano Cianci served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.