
Invitation for the Fifth International Elite Gynecologic Surgery Competition (2025 Masters of Gynecologic Surgery)

Published: 2025-02-25

We are pleased to announce the Fifth International Elite Gynecologic Surgery Competition (IEGSC) (2025 Masters of Gynecologic Surgery) jointly held by AME Publishing Company and the West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University, after the great success of the previous four competitions respectfully in 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2024 (Figure 1-5). And we cordially invite you to participate in the 2025 competition and submit your videos before March 31, 2024. The competition results and the surgical video/articles of the previous competitions are available in the special column Masters of Gynecologic Surgery on the journal website.

All gynecologists are eligible to participate in this competition, and the competition includes all of the operations in the field of gynecology. The contest will be held based on the submission of videos via the Internet, and the review process will be performed online. The video expert judges will be editorial board members from the journal Gynecology and Pelvic Medicine (GPM). The winners of the competition who distinguish their surgical videos from a bunch of other entries will have the opportunity of publishing their surgical video articles in GPM. All winners will be invited to attend the award ceremony, tentatively scheduled for May 24, 2025, in Chengdu during the “2025 West China International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Gynecologic Oncology and Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.” Additionally, the first-prize winners will be sponsored for a one-week study tour of the West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University.

We eagerly await your submission of the videos!

Figure 1. Awards ceremony of the First IEGSC held in December 2019

Figure 2. Awards ceremony of the Second IEGSC held in December 2020

Figure 3. Awards ceremony of the Third IEGSC held in June 2023

Figure 4. Awards ceremony of the Third IEGSC held in June 2024

Figure 5. The judge panel of the Fourth IEGSC

1. Competition Schedule

Stage 1.  Video Collection: February 25, 2025 – March 31, 2025 (Deadline)
Stage 2.  Video Review: April 1, 2025 – April 30, 2025
Stage 3.  Competition Results: May 5, 2025 (Email Notification)
Stage 4.  Article Writing: May 5, 2025 – July 5, 2025
Stage 5.  Award Ceremony: May 24, 2025 (Tentative)

2. Participants

All gynecologists are eligible to participate in this competition.

3. Enrollment

  1. Participants should prepare their video and complete Attachment 1 (Participant Information Form) and Attachment 2 (Video Information Form) before submission.
  2. Submit the video and both forms via WeTransfer ( to (Recipient: Aisling Luo).
    • Email Subject: 2025 Masters of Gynecologic Surgery – Participant’s Full Name
    • Attachments: Download the required forms from the bottom of this page.
  3. Submission Deadline: March 31, 2025.

4. Entry Requirements

(1) Thematic range: operations in the field of gynecology.

All videos must be original works and neither published nor submitted to other surgical video contests.

(2) Video Requirements:

  • Video Length: within 15 mins. Chinese characters or any information relative to the participants are not allowed in the video. English narration would be recommended.
  • Video Format: MP4、Flash video (.flv), MPEG, DVD video format, MOV, AVI, and WMV. H.264/mp4 for the video codec and AAC for the audio codec is recommended.
  • Screen Ratio: 4:3 or 16:9.
  • Resolution: no less than 960×720 (no less than 1280×720 in widescreen format)
  • The corresponding author must confirm in the Copyright Transfer Agreement that he/she has received a signed release form from each patient recorded on the submitted video. Ideally, patients should not be identifiable in these videos.
  • No background music should be inserted into the video. All materials submitted should be by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and be original unless appropriate permission is obtained.

Video Example:

(3)   Illustrating text (attachment 2):

It is recommended that the video be accompanied by a descriptive text in English. The text includes the following information:

  • Title for the video.
  • Author(s): limited to 6 authors, including full name, education level, and affiliation.
  • Corresponding author: full name, email, and phone number.
  • Abstract: summary of the video, limited to 350 words.
  • Video description: detailed descriptions of the surgical operation procedures in a step-by-step format.
  • Comments:comments and discussions on the operative techniques, possible pitfalls and the comparison of the described procedure with other methods are encouraged.
  • Conflict of interests: anything that needs to be disclosed.
  • Corresponding author of the video should sign the “Copyright Transfer Agreement” in the attachment 2.

5. Judging Process

(1) Judge Panel: Editorial Board Members from GPM



Stergios Boussios

Medway NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Vito Andrea Capozzi

University of Parma, Italy

Jose Carugno

University of Miami, USA

Olivia H. Chang

University of California Irvine, USA

Jeremy Chien

University of California Davis, USA

William T. Creasman

Medical University of South Carolina, USA

Michael H. Dahan

McGill Reproductive Center, McGill University, Canada

Rudy Leon De Wilde

University Medicine Oldenburg, Germany

Roger R. Dmochowski

Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA

Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo

University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy

Peixin Dong

Hokkaido University, Japan

Panagiotis Drakopoulos

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Alessandro Favilli

University of Verona, Italy

Federico Ferrari

ASST Spedali Civili, Italy

Simone Ferrero

Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Italy

Michael Friedrich

Helios Hospital Krefeld, Germany

Pierluigi Giampaolino

“Federico II” University Medical School, Italy

Sharad Ghamande

Georgia at Augusta University, USA

Walter H. Gotlieb

McGill University, Canada

Thomas W. Grunt

Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Prachi Gupta

Medical College of Wisconsin, USA.

Neville F. Hacker

The University of New South Wales, Australia

Diane M. Harper

University of Michigan, USA

Maged Henary

Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA

Lisa C. Hickman

The Ohio State University, USA

Ludwig Kiesel

University Hospital of Münster, Germany

Gokhan S. Kilic

The University of Texas Medical Branch, USA

Ervin Kocjancic

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Philippe R. Koninckx

Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Susie Lau

McGill University, Canada

Antonio Simone Lagana

University of Palermo, Italy

Fabrice Lécuru

Georges Pompidou European Hospital, France

Yoo-Young Lee

Samsung Medical Center, South Korea

Ambrogio P. Londero

University of Genoa, Italy

Hooman Soleymani Majd

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Liliana Mereu

Santa Chiara Hospital, Italy

Liselotte Mettler

University Hospitals Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Charles E. Miller

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, USA

David G. Mutch

Washington University School of Medicine, USA

Faustino R. Pérez-López

University of Zaragoza Faculty of Medicine, Spain

Giovanni Pecorella

Ospedale Veris delli Ponti, Italy

Anna Myriam Perrone

University of Bologna, Italy

Alexander Popov

Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Russia

Maurice A. Recanati

Harper Hospital, Detroit, USA

Julio Cesar Rosa-e-Silva

São Paulo University, Brazil

Bo R. Rueda

Massachusetts General Hospital, USA.

Ahmad Sayasneh

King’s College London, UK

Masayuki Sekine

Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan

Renato Seracchioli

Bologna University, Italy

Michael Stark

The New European Surgical Academy, Germany

Omer Lutfi Tapisiz

Guven Hospital, Turkey

Andrea Tinelli

Veris delli Ponti Hospital, Italy

Diama Bhadra Vale

State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil

Koen van de Vijver

Ghent University Hospital and Cancer Research Institute Ghent (CRIG), Belgium

Daniela Angerame Yela

University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil


(2) Judging Criteria:

Videos will be judged based on how effective the videos are in promoting gynecologic surgery techniques by the editorial board member from GPM following the 5 standards below (100 points total):

  • Operative Difficulty (20 points)
  • The standardization and the fluency of the operation (20 points)
  • Originality (20 points)
  • Quality of the video (20 points)
  • Educational values of video demonstration (20 points)

6. Awards

There will be a total of ten winners: two first-prize winners, three second-prize winners, and five third-prize winners.

  1. The first-prize winners will be invited to attend the “2025 West China International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Gynecologic Oncology and Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction” and participate in academic communication. Besides, they will be sponsored for a one-week study tour of the West China Second University Hospital. The round-trip travel (economy-class air ticket or second-class seat of the high-speed train), food and accommodation will be sponsored by the organizers.
  2. All the winners will be awarded the certificate “2025  Masters of Gynecologic Surgery”.
  3. All the winners will be sponsored by the organizers to attend the award ceremony tentatively scheduled for May 24, 2025. The sponsor will cover the round-trip travel (economy-class air ticket or second-class seat of the high-speed train), food and accommodation.
  4. All the winning videos will stand a chance to be published in Gynecology and Pelvic Medicine (GPM, See the previous collections below:

7. Term of Confidentiality

All information and materials collected for this contest will not be used for any non-academic purpose. We reserve all the rights for the final explanation of the competition and all the videos.

8. Contact us

For any inquiry, please contact us at

9. Attachments

Attachment 1-Participant Information Form

Attachment 2-Video Information Form